KEA to provide strategic advice on policy reforms with a focus to attract investment
KEA has been commissioned by the European Commission — Secretariat-General (Structural Reform Support Service) to assist the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic with a view to provide strategic advice on policy measures to support the development of Cultural Industries (CIs).
The Slovak government has made the development of its CIs a policy priority. Jobs in the sector increased more than 20% between 2011 and 2017.
KEA will perform a review of statistical information and data gaps as well as an impact assessment of current policy measures with a view to provide recommendations for new policies and financial instruments to attract investment in CIs.
Outcomes of the research
Outcomes of the research will enable:
– Improving statistical information on CIs
– Development of Policy measures notably to attract investment in CIs
– Preparation of implementing measures in the context of forthcoming EU operational programmes and smart specialisation strategy (Regional development) 2021 – 2027
KEA will be working with local specialist Vladimir Kmet’. KEA will closely associate local stakeholders in this work. The KEA team will be in Bratislava from June 17 to June 21 for a field mission.