KEA has been selected by the European Commission (EC) to carry out a feasibility study to help the EC collect more and better quality data on culture and creative sectors (CCS) in Europe. Europe has very competitive culture and creative industries. According to the European Commission CCS represent 3.3% of the European GDP and employ 6.7 million people (3% of total employment).
However, the gathering of reliable data on CCS throughout the 28 Member States of the European Union remains challenging. This contributes to prevent a good understanding of a sector which is key to the development of the digital economy and Europe’s future prosperity and well-being. KEA will build on its practical experience in collecting and analysing data for its 2006 study on “The Economy of Culture in Europe”, the first ever study to assess the economic and social impact of CCS in the European Union. It will consider also previous work from Eurostat and the EU Member States.
KEA is managing a team of high-level experts: Simon Ellis, former Head at UNESCO Institute for Statistics; Enrico Giovannini, former Italian Minister and former Chief Statistician at OECD; Hasan Bakhshi, Director of the Creative Economy in Policy & Research department at NESTA; and Andreas Wiesand (Executive Director, European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research (ERICarts).
The final report is available here: https://keanet.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/CCS-Stats-Study_final-30092015.pdf