The b.creative event in Shanghai enabled to acknowledge the constitution of a wide international network of creative entrepreneurs as a result of the two-year European project Creative Tracks:
- a directory of 2,500 contacts of professionals of the culture and creative industries
- 2,870 Facebook fans
- 1,060 Twitter followers
- 1,000 platform profiles
In Europe only, the network boasts direct access to 186 fablabs and living labs, 105 incubators and accelerators, 62 CCIs clusters, hubs and co-working spaces
Click below to watch the b.creative video:
b.creative – the global event for creative entrepreneurship – took place in Shanghai on 15 November 2017. The conference was organised in the context of the High Level People to People Dialogue (HPPD) Summit on Education, Culture and Youth strengthening cultural relations between the European Union and China.
What’s next?
The network will find its place and role in ongoing policies at European level, at city level and at enterprise levels:
- In the context of EU policies supporting innovation, international cultural relations, creative spaces and the mobility of artists, cultural operators and creative entrepreneurs;
- In cities working on their economic and social development, supporting creative ecosystems, international attractiveness and local talents;
- For cultural and creative SMEs wishing to go international.
We will continue to grow the network, increase the visibility of the b.creative challenge, organise b.creative events and influence policy making to ensure support to the new generation of culture and creative companies.
The b.creative network brings together a global community of creative entrepreneurs to network, exchange ideas and share projects.
Join the b.creative network on Facebook!
Creative Tracks was a two-year pilot project (December 2015-December 2017) aimed at connecting young creative professionals from Europe and third countries, encouraging cross-innovation projects and facilitating collaboration with cultural and creative industries. With a budget of one million Euro co-funded by the European Union, the project was embedded in the strategic approach to culture in external relations of the EU as a way to strengthen international dialogue and collaboration opportunities between creative professionals worldwide.
Contact person: Aline Albertelli aalbertelli@keanet.eu