KEA launches a new publication to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Rome Treaty
Since 1999, KEA has been a privileged observer of the impact of EU policies in the cultural field. EU competences in the field of competition, trade, copyright or external actions are shaping Europe’s cultural environment and the expression of creativity. European. What about Union? advocates the importance of mainstreaming culture in EU policy-making to give the EU a meaning and reconnect the European project with its citizens to celebrate diversity and Europe’s quality of life.
In his foreword, the renowned artist Luc Tuymans calls for resetting Europe ‘as an object of desire, a matter of fun, joy, elegance, trash and humour’ with excellence and multiculturalism at its core.
European. What about Union? is based on a collection of articles reflecting on the relationship between the European project and culture.
To order your copy of the book see here: https://keanet.eu/book-european-what-about-union/