The European Commission DG CNECT contracted KEA to provide a mapping of existing EU programmes accessible to the audiovisual (AV) sector beyond Creative Europe. Entitled “Towards an integrated vision for the European Digital Media Sector”, this new research paper provides a timely contribution to the debates on the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework and future EU support programmes (2021-2027). The research aims at providing recommendations and concrete proposals on how to achieve synergies amongst the different EU funding instruments in order to address the development of the AV sector.
The digital shift has led to a significant growth of the AV sector, which is not only supporting the development of ICT and media services, but is permeating other sectors, such as tourism, healthcare, architecture, marketing or education. KEA’s analysis shows that the current EU support to the development of the sector, which largely targets the traditional cinema sector, should be more ambitious to reflect the importance taken by the wider audiovisual industry in innovation, social and economic development.
Highlighting the economic, social and cultural importance of the sector in Europe, the paper reflects on concrete ways for the European audiovisual industry to benefit from EU policies and programmes beyond Creative Europe. As such, EU support for the sector could be streamlined across various policy areas and funding instruments in the 2021-2027 period:
- The new Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for research and innovation (with a proposed overall budget of almost €100 billion)
- The new Digital Europe – in support of the digital transformation of the industry (with a proposed overall budget of €9.2 billion)
- The new InvestEU – aimed at supporting investment in research & innovation, sustainable infrastructures, digitisation and skills (aims to trigger €650 billion in additional investment between 2021-2027)
- The new Single Market programme – aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of European SMEs (with a proposed overall budget of €4 billion)
- Erasmus+ – aimed at providing learning and mobility opportunities
- European Structural and Investment Funds – in support of regional development
- The new Neighbourhood Development and International Cooperation Instrument – to cover external cooperation and development, including actions promoting policy dialogue with third countries in culture and education
To illustrate this cross-sectoral approach, the paper provides concrete examples of future support to the AV sector cutting across the above-mentioned EU policies and funding instruments.
Read the full report here.
KEA has been advising territories, organisations and people to unlock the potential of cultural and creative industries since 1999.