Welcome Marina to the team!

Welcome Marina to the team!

KEA’s team continues to grow! We’re pleased to present to you Marina! She has joined KEA as a Research Trainee with a strong desire to make valuable contributions and to develop her skills in policy making and research.

Now, let’s take a moment to get to know her better!

Tell us more about your background and your interests at work

I am currently very interested in helping to propose solutions that address decarbonisation policies in the CCI, as I believe there are many challenges in developing sustainability guidelines in the sector. With a diverse background in Cultural Policy and Art curatorship, I am able to alternate between creative and analytical approaches to tackle these issues.
My main interest at work is combining both fields of expertise to bridge the gap between discourse and practice in the green transition of cultural endeavours.

Your mission at KEA and what you want to bring to the table

I aim to support KEA in making meaningful strides in promoting environmental sustainability within Cultural and Creative Industries.

In addition, I believe I contribute by bringing a different perspective on cultural policy: one that prioritizes diversity, advocates for the decolonization of knowledge and moves towards equality in dialogue with people from the global South.

I look forward to playing a relevant role in this position at KEA.

Tell us something you love to do outside of work!

As a recent resident of Brussels, I love exploring its vibrant artistic circuit and nature.

We’re eager to work with you Marina!

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