We are thrilled to present a new editorial project dedicated to catalysing innovative ideas on the future of culture and creativity: Radical Creativities.
Positioned at the intersection between scholarly publication, art book and informative magazine this new editorial projects aims to bring together the voices of all those who make their research, art and cultural practice a transformative action.
The project seeks concrete proposals on how to generate radical and sustainable transformation, focusing on how artists, entrepreneurs, institutions and cultural workers can address global challenges and display leadership, contributing to the construction of altruist economies and social systems.
ONE. RADICAL PLURALITY the project welcomes voices from all backgrounds by accepting contributions in all forms of cultural expression from academic papers to art contents.
TWO. PEER REVIEW the journal will be officially registered as a scientific journal introducing for the first time the foundational element of scientific publication, namely the peer review process, to cultural and creative production.
THREE. ACCESSIBILITY Radical Creativities aims to reach the broadest audience possible, disseminating knowledge on cultural and creative innovation in an informative and educational way.
On December 12th the Pilot Issue of the project has been released.
This issue seeks to be the manifesto of the journal, bringing together multiple voices in different formats.
The contributions address two main themes; on the one hand, the link between cultural and collective practices, and on the other, the transformative role and social impact of culture and creativity. The two topics are explored through different practices and languages, from research to art to poetry, and expressed cross-media, enriching the written text with visual, video and audio contributions.
The researchers, artists, planners and curators featured are: Adama Sanneh, Andy C Pratt, De Droominee, Ellen Loots, Henry Broome, Jordi Sanjuán Belda, Lwando Xaso, Mariaelena Maieron, Pau Rausell Köster, YounSun Won.
Follow the project on social media and visit the official website at radicalcreativities.com, to know more.