This contribution to the CIP public consultation aims to show that culture and creative industries as well as the promotion of cultural diversity should be part of the CIP programme to implement the EU 2020 project which is to make a smart, inclusive and sustainable Europe. The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) (http://ec.europa.eu/cip/index_en.htm) is one of the key funding instruments in support of competitiveness.
Summary of Proposals:
- CIP should be part of the cultural agenda as culture is a catalyst for creativity.
- CIP needs to recognise the cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary aspects of “creativity” which mixes elements of “artistic creativity”, “economic” as well as “technological innovation”.
- CIP should be more accessible to creative industries to implement a linkage between creativity and innovation. It should foster ICT and Creative industries incubation schemes to promote spill overs.
- CIP should support investment in culture and creative industries ( and specifically mandate the EIB and the EIF).
- CIP should support the ECIA initiative – European Creative Industry Alliance and tailor support measures to creative SMEs.
- CIP should establish a creativity index or complement the innovation scoreboard with creativity indicators. (See KEA suggestion in this respect in the study “The Impact of Culture on Creativity” – Annex 2).
- CIP should support SMEs in the creative sector to achieve scale (acting collectively so that they can influence market development – as European SMEs often command collectively a 25% market share in the respective cultural sectors) and make rights licensing less costly. CIP has yet to engage with SMEs from the culture and creative sector.
- CIP should contribute to celebrate and brand “a Creative Europe” in a large promotional campaign in conjunction with other EU programmes such as the Culture Programme; Europe to celebrate the contemporary and not only the heritage.
- CIP to fund studies on the importance of brands, creativity and the immaterial in innovation strategies and competitiveness.
- CIP should fund benchmarking raster/indicators to measure impact of local policy measures to support CIs.
To read the full document : https://ec.europa.eu/cip/files/docs/consultation-kea-european-affairs_en.pdf