The Culture and Creative Sector (CCS) has a strong case for special treatment. Artistic institutions are more than businesses which employ more than 8.7 million people in the EU (EUROSTAT cultural statistics, 2019). They add well-being and are engines of collective – sense. Public health restrictions undermine with dramatic consequences the economic model of the CCS. Reassuringly all EU Member States have taken policy measures to mitigate the impact of the lock-down on CCS. We are pleased to present an interactive visualization of the policy response across EU27.
The visualization is available here.
The map clearly shows the types of measures implemented across sub-sectors and the popularity of such measures versus others (notably grants vs loans). One third (33 %) of the cultural workforce is self-employed, compared with an average of 14 % for the whole economy. Our map shows that some efforts remain to be done to ensure better social protection to freelancers and self employed (with only 17 countries implementing specific measures).
A methodological note on this research is available here.