Today KEA is launching the website and first newsletter of Sparks, an EU-wide project blending arts and science to foster co-innovation processes.
KEA was commissioned by Ecsite – the European network of science centres and museums – to propose this project to the European Commission. KEA is now responsible for the project’s communication as well as the data collection and analysis process that will lead to recommendations on activities to engage in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI[1]) in the field of health.
This €3.5 million project is funded by the Horizon 2020 research programme of the European Commission. It gathers 33 partners including science museums, research centres, science shops and universities from all EU countries and Switzerland. Focusing on technology shifts in health and medicine, Sparks aims to familiarize and engage European citizens with the concept and practice of RRI and invites key stakeholders to actively question, experiment and play with science in a way that makes it relevant to today’s society. A creative touring exhibition will emphasise the role of artists as ‘creative breakers’ to promote new uses of technologies and as drivers of engagement of the audience with scientific and societal questions related to new technologies in healthcare.
[1] Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an approach that takes into account societal needs and expectations in research and innovation, with the aim to foster the design of inclusive and sustainable scientific solutions. The EU has identified six pillars upon which RRI is built: engagement of all societal actors, gender (gender equality and gender in research and innovation content), science education (formal and informal), open access, ethics and governance. Learn more about RRI in Sparks first newsletter.