A consortium formed by B&S Europe with KEA and Cumediae has been entrusted by the European Commission DG for International Partnerships (INTPA – formerly DG DEVCO) to deliver the second phase of the Culture Advisory Services (CAS II) initiative. The advisory and capacity building services will support the development of EU culture actions in international relations.
Research and policy design as part of the CAS II adopt a holistic vision of cultural and sustainable development including cultural heritage, diversity, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, creative industries, digital activities, gender equality, tourism, youth and education.
This new assignment aligns with the priorities of DG INTPA regarding environmental sustainability, employment, migration, support to innovation, governance, human rights and security.
About the mission
The CAS II mission is expected to:
- help DG INTPA, EU Delegations’ staff and relevant stakeholders to better understand the value of cultural investment and therefore improve capacities to integrate culture in international actions;
- provide advice to design, implement and monitor relevant and effective EU programmes and projects for development cooperation;
- increase knowledge, communication and visibility of EU assistance for culture.
KEA will bring in expertise on culture and creative industries, drawing from its experience with international cultural relations projects including ILUCIDARE, Creative Tracks and the b.creative network, research such as the study on ‘European Cultural Institutes Abroad’ for the European Parliament, ‘Film Festivals at EU Delegations’ and the ‘Preparatory Action on Culture in External Relations’ for the European Commission. KEA will also mobilise its experience in delivering capacity-building as part of the Creative Europe Guarantee Facility for cultural and creative sectors piloted by the European Investment Fund.
“The CAS II is an important mission since it is an opportunity to show that culture can contribute to development, to sustainability challenges and to a conscious growth, aware of climate issues” said Philippe Kern, Managing Director of KEA.