Press Release: Music Export Study
Music Moves Europe – Boosting European music diversity and talent
The Preparatory Action “Music Moves Europe – Boosting European music diversity and talent” is starting to yield concrete research results.
The European Commission DG EAC has recently published the study on a European Music Export Strategy; which was conducted by Le Bureau Export, in partnership with KEA, Music Austria, Factory 92, and in association with EMEE.
The European music sector faces a variety of challenges
The report was developed over a one-year period in close collaboration with Music Export Offices across Europe. The study ascertains that while the European music sector is dynamic and currently growing, it faces a variety of challenges and shows signs of relative underperformance in terms of cross-border streaming and radio listening shares.
Additionally, the study draws attention to the fragmented nature of the music export policy landscape, which is characterised by different levels of development and a multitude of priorities.
The operational strategy, which builds upon well-defined tools connected to a clear development strategy, has been openly discussed with stakeholders from the music sector at the European Music Export Conference in October 2019 in the Ancienne Belgique in Brussels. These tools are encapsulated in the following table.
Figure 1: Overview of the articulation of Music Export tools within the European Music Export Strategy
A clear forward-looking strategy and policy recommendations
The study further presents a country by country overview of the music export activities, as well as international market reports focusing on four key territories; i.e. Canada, the USA, South-Africa and China.
The result is a landmark study that formulates a clear forward-looking strategy and policy recommendations at national and European level, as well as for decision-makers across music organisations. We hope that this will enable the sector as a whole to reinforce its diversity and competitiveness both within and beyond Europe.
Read the full study